Our Purpose & Values

OUR PURPOSE: The purpose of Mosaic is to welcome all to experience the radical love of God as together we create a beautiful community of justice, compassion and faith. We are a widening circle of all nationalities, ethnicities and races, cultures, classes, ages, educational levels, families, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, abilities, and faiths.




1. Spirit-Centered:  We seek the Sacred , following the path and teachings of Jesus while also drawing from diverse sources of wisdom.

2. Sanctuary:  We welcome spiritual refugees who have felt the sting of exclusion, expulsion, and loss of family, friends and community and work to create a safe haven of love and acceptance.

3. Diversity:  We celebrate the complexities and richness of God's creation and in all the diverse ways that humans and life on earth have been expressed.

4. Tradition-honoring:  We affirm the best of our religious tradition while seeking to understand and step into the Sacred in new ways engaging the tools of scripture, tradition, reason and experience.

5. Progressive:  We believe that as a community we dance in the uncertain, messy and transformational model that calls us to a journey rather than a destination.

6. Reconciling.  We are committed to extravagant Grace and welcome all in the community of faith regardless of nationality, ethnicity and race, culture, class, age, educational level, family, marital status, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, faith and religious heritage.

7. Eco-spirituality:  We are committed, as a part of nature, to be in partnership with God caring with all creation so that all life on Earth may flourish.

8. Bold engagement:  We encourage a bold and dynamic faith that is actively seeking to show care and compassion to all people, to work for justice and peace in the world, and to resist evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.

9. Community:  We believe that we need each other, none of us are created to make it alone, and that we are stronger and better together.

10. Sacramental: We plunge ourselves deeply into the waters of baptism where God claims us as God's children and we eagerly gather at the table to share Grace in the bread and cup where God's vision of love for all people is made visible.

11. Local and Global:  We believe we are called to make a positive difference beginning with Oklahoma City while continually enlarging the circle to include Oklahoma, our nation and the world through our passion, interest and connections with the larger church.

12. Hope-filled: We affirm the goodness of creation and humanity and have hope for the future of God's beloved community- a community of justice and joy, a community where everyone has a place at the table, a community that forms a beautiful mosaic revealing the face of God.