Ice Angels

Ice Angels began during a string of 100+ degree days in Oklahoma.

Ice Angels were started by Lenny and Mary Kaplan. We try to give a hand up to the homeless. Our focus is primarily the hardcore homeless who chose not to go into shelters. During the hot summer, we saw how the homeless were suffering in the relentless heat. We started by distributing ice water to the homeless. While distributing ice water, we observed people dumpster diving for food. We had frequent requests for food. We started delivering sack lunches 3 days a week. We then received requests for clothes, hoodies, and coats especially during the cold weather. We have become the "Walmart" to the homeless. We daily carry a trunk full of jeans, tee shirts, shorts, shoes, under wear, socks, tooth paste, tooth brushes, dog and cat food.

We have provided transportation to doctor appointments and assisted in getting state identification, birth certificates, and social security cards. Dealing with this paper work can be very intimidating as many are unable to read or write. Transportation to get from the multiple offices is difficult for the homeless.

We also do free HIV and Hepatitis C screening. Results are available and reported to a person in 20 minutes.

We are a ministry of Mosaic United Methodist Church. Donations to Ice Angels through Mosaic are tax deductible. We are funded strictly by donations. We do not have any paid staff. We are supported by the generosity of churches, friends, family and any one else who has a heart to help the less fortunate.



Thank you to our partner churches and organizations:


Quail Springs UMC - OKC

Grace Church Yukon

First United Methodist Church, Moore

Neighborhood Services Organization



Our needs:


Sleeping Bags







New Underwear

New Socks

Gloves, hats, scarves (during the fall/winter months)


Donations of money are always welcomed!